The purpose of this paper is to solve the problem of controlling of the quadrotor exposed to external constant disturbances. The\nquadrotor system is partitioned into two parts: the attitude subsystem and the position subsystem. A new robust integral\nterminal sliding mode control law (RITSMC) is designed for stabilizing the inner loop and the quick tracking of the right\ndesired values of the Euler angles. To estimate the disturbance displayed on the z-axis and to control the altitude position\nsubsystem, an adaptive backstepping technique is proposed, while the horizontal position subsystem is controlled using the\nbackstepping approach. The stability of the quadrotor subsystems is guaranteed by the Lyapunov theory. The effectiveness of the\nproposed methods is clearly comprehended through the obtained results of the various simulations effectuated on\nMATLAB/Simulink, and a comparison with another technique is presented.